How Do You Prepare Your Home for Sale?

Sellers today are always asking, “What do we need to do to prepare our home for sale?”

First, you want to walk through the home and look at it objectively, see it through the eyes of a buyer. Is there any clutter? Is there anything that needs to be put away, thrown away, or given away? Pack up anything you’re taking with you and put it in the garage to prepare for the move. If you don’t need or want it anymore, donate it.

We know what buyers are looking for.

After you’ve walked through the home and cleared the clutter, you might see some new spaces that need attention. Do whatever you need to do to improve these spaces and make them more appealing. If anything needs to be painted, deep-cleaned, or freshened up, it needs to be done quickly.

If there is anything you have questions about, by all means, contact your Realtor. We know what buyers are looking for. We know what adds value. Sometimes, you can put money into a property and get it back threefold; other times you'll get zero return. The difference can be calling us. Things like paint, flooring, granite counters, curb appeal, and landscaping almost always return dollar-for-dollar or more.

If you have any other questions regarding how to prepare your home, always feel free to call or send us an email. Make it a great day!