Why Is an Agent Necessary for New Construction Buyers?

Here’s why agents are critical in new construction home purchases.
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A lot of buyers have been asking me whether or not they need an agent when buying new construction, and if they’ll be able to get a better price by not hiring one. To answer the main question: Hiring an agent as a new construction buyer will quite often get you the best possible deal. There are many incentives and bonuses that builders offer through agents and brokerages that they don’t offer to the general public. It could be price incentives, more money toward upgrades, and more options in general. There are a ton of different incentives that builders promote specifically to us because they want us to bring them buyers. Rather than working with the builder’s representative, have an agent on your side to ensure you’re not being taken advantage of, and rely on the team’s experience to help you get the job done. We agents are highly skilled negotiation professionals in your corner, so it doesn’t make sense not to have one.

"Builders offer special incentives to agents and their clients."

If you’re thinking about buying, we have the connections to help you, no matter if you’re buying from a builder or a home seller.

If you have any questions, call or text today at (239) 248-8000. I’d love to help you.